Year 2

The Year 2 Team

  • 2MS - Class teachers - Mrs Moore (Mon & Tues) and Mrs Smith (Weds,Thurs & Fri)

  • 2W - Class teacher - Mrs Walker

  • Mrs Raw covers in 2W for Mrs Walker’s SENDCo and PPA time

  • Teaching Assistants - Mrs Garratt and Mrs Marshall work across both classes. Mrs Huxtable works in 2W.

Our Curriculum

In Year 2 we follow the National Curriculum and enjoy a full range of subjects. Children will experience lots of first hand experiential learning both in the classroom and around our extensive school grounds

  1. Year 2 Curriculum Overview

  2. Autumn term curriculum map

  3. Spring term curriculum map

  4. Summer term curriculum map


British values

British values in Year 2


Spelling in Year 2

ELS Essential Spelling gives all children the knowledge to spell, confidently.

ELS Essential Spelling for Year 2 uses code knowledge as its approach to spelling, and is a programme designed to teach rather than test. The three lessons each week allow children to build upon their understanding of the sounds they have previously been taught as part of their phonics programme and gives them the confidence to use this code to support spelling.