Forest School

“There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” Anonymous

What is Forest School?

Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

The process helps and facilitates more than knowledge-gathering, it helps learners develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. It creates a safe, non-judgemental nurturing environment for learners to try stuff out and take risks. Forest School inspires a deep and meaningful connection to the world and an understanding of how a learner fits within it.

What should you wear?

In cold weather children will need:

·       Long sleeve t-shirt

·       Warm trousers (not jeans)

·       Warm layers – sweatshirt, jumper, fleece

·       Warm socks

·       Gloves

·       Hat, earmuffs

·       Waterproof trousers and jacket or puddle suit

·       Wellies

In warmer weather:

·       Lighter weight clothing

·       Long sleeves and trousers are still required to protect the skin from scratches

·       Wellies or sturdy boots

·       Full waterproofs will still be required

·       Sun hat

Our forest school practitioners

Mrs Toft

Mrs Garratt

My name is Mrs Garratt and I am the Forest School leader for KS1 at Thomas Russell Infants school. I facilitate Y1 & Y2 to have three half terms per year of Forest School, allowing them to experience all of the seasons.

Forest School has been a natural progression for me. Having grown up in the countryside and previously working in horticulture and estate management before retraining as a TA in 2019. I currently live and work locally on a small farm so inspiration for our Forest School sessions is all around me. I have a real love of trees, plants and garden birds which I enjoy sharing during our sessions.

Training to be a level 3 Forest School leader has been an incredible journey, it is wonderful to see how eager the children are to explore the woodland environment, enjoying the child led approach that Forest School offers.

How do we keep children safe?

Forest school will only be cancelled due to high winds, thunderstorms or very bad weather means that it would be unsafe.

Health and safety of all participants is central to the Forest School programme. Our Forest School leaders are trained in outdoor first aid and continually risk asses the site and all activities.

Part of Forest school is teaching children about risks and how to evaluate them. We teach the children to recognise stinging nettles and educate them as to the benefits to nature rather than removing them. We discuss the importance of not running though the woodland rather than removing low hanging branches.

By taking measured risks, we help to prepare them to make choices as they grow older and teach them to be actively responsible for their actions.

Progression in forest school

Information for parents